Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Photo Mode Free for All Versions; Digital Deluxe Includes Additional Frames and Stickers

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Photo Mode

With the confirmation that the Digital Deluxe Edition of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 will have 10 suits that can’t be unlocked in-game and is exclusive to those who buy that version of the game, it seems some people are under the assumption that the Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Photo Mode will only be available for those who buy the higher tier versions of the game, which is not the case.

Over on Twitter, Insomniac Games Advanced Senior Community Manager Aaron James Espinoza put an end to all speculation, as he has confirmed that Marvel’s Spider-Man 2’s Photo Mode is not locked behind a paywall of any kind and will be available in all versions of the game. Those who buy the Digital Deluxe will get a few exclusive stickers and frames for the mode, however, but that’s it.

I honestly have no clue where this sort of misinformation stemmed from, but it is kind of ridiculous to think that a developer — with no known history of doing something like this — is assumed to be locking one of the basic features of a game. At the very least, this should put a stop to any rumor-mongering or wrongful assumptions.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is scheduled to swing out this October 20 exclusively on the PS5. You can watch the latest gameplay footage right here.

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2 months ago

Anyone knows that “exclusive” additional content will most likely become available for anyone to purchase a few weeks after release as stand alone dlc.

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