The 10 Marvel’s Spider-Man 2: Digital Deluxe Edition Suits Exclusive to Buyers and Can’t Be Unlocked In-Game

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Digital Deluxe Edition Suits

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is currently available for pre-order, and like many AAA games these days, the game comes with a Digital Deluxe Edition, which includes a whopping ten suits that players can use. According to Insomniac Games, however, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2: Digital Deluxe Edition suits can only be unlocked by purchasing said version of the game, with no way to unlock the suits through regular gameplay.

The developer confirmed this exclusivity in a reply to a tweet asking about the suits:

For reference, here’s what the suits look like:

The ten suits include five for Peter Parker and five for Miles Morales. Aside from the suits, you also get additional Photo Mode items as well as two extra skill points. You even get the pre-order bonuses in the Web Grabber gadget, three more skill points, and an early unlock for two suits, one for Peter and one for Miles. It’s worth mentioning that these are early unlocks, which implies that you’re able to get the pre-order bonus suits in-game, unlike the ten suits that come with the Digital Deluxe Edition.

With these many cosmetics locked behind a more expensive version of the game, it’s no surprise that this has been met with disappointment from players. Only time will tell if Insomniac Games will add a way to get the suits without purchasing a Deluxe Edition upgrade, but you probably shouldn’t get your hopes up.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 releases this October 20 on PS5.

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3 months ago

This definitely makes the decision easy on what edition to pre-order, however im assuming these will become available as stand alone dlc eventually for purchase for those who didn’t pre-order the digital deluxe edition.

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